Milliways Mail order shop: Advice, tips and tricks.



See also This Page, Herbs you can plant

Phase 2 herb veg garden tips n tricks.

You should have completed phase one by now. So you have clear space with planted areas labels and all the required ground work done.


Step Five

Place a bench, wooden swing or stool (cast iron love seats are available at hardware shops). Put the seat near the scented and aromatic plants in the herb garden to encourage visitors to stop and sit.

Place it where the best view of the garden is. Create focal points from this seat; like a Japanese maple in a shady corner with a Fern,or a display of flowering plants in bags oin the wal or pots, or a mini bed. You could consider a small water feature. Make the seat(visually) sticky and tranquil.

If you have the space a you could add a little table with a couple chairs, so you can enjoy a meal or a drink in the garden. In high summer the scent of the oils from the herbs and scent from flowers will lift you.

Remember to plant some night scented stock near the seat, and dot some around the garden so you get a waft of scent on the air.

You can maybe make seat or bench from some other feature like an old wall can be shaped down to make a space to sit. Holes in walls can be used for putting in tea lights or ornaments of small pots of flowers, burning incense can be useful at night for creating a vibe and helping keep fly's away.


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Phase 3 Care and attention is coming soon.



Also soon